Training Permaculture Teachers (TPT) course in Sweden, funded by Erasmus+.

Last month for ten days, Green School Village (GSV) sent two members of the Permaculture Association of Bulgaria to a Training Permaculture Teachers (TPT) course in Kosters Trädgårdar. This place is located on the beautiful Sidkoster Island near Strömstads. Kosters Trädgårdar is also a L.A.N.D. center (Learning And Network Demonstration site), which is managed by Helena von Bothmer and her husband Stefan von Bothmer. The course was conducted by well-known in the Permaculture world teachers Alfred Decker, Cathrine Dolleris and Helena von Bothmer. They have extensive teaching experience and аlthough the course was quite intense has gone smoothly and in a positive friendly atmosphere.

Enjoy for the short movie about this Permaculture demonstration center.