Registration of Interest /Call for Participants Green School Village @ Balkan Ecology Project, April 1st - September 30th 2021 REGISTRATION FORM
Coming together, sharing dreams!
“Sustainability Youth Exchanges”: a training course to share knowledge about youth exchanges, held in Estonia from 1st to 5th September 2020 Written by Holly Tammik and Peter Hagerrot, 8th September 2020 Väike Jalajälg Ökokeskus (Small Footprint ecovillage) in...
Training Permaculture Teachers (TPT) course in Bulgaria, Nov. 2019
At the end of November 2019, Green School Village (GSV) organizеd a full seven days training course, certifying Permaculture teachers for the first time in Bulgaria. It was similar to the one held in Sweden earlier that month, and again funded by the Erasmus+...
Training Permaculture Teachers (TPT) course in Sweden, Nov. 2019
Training Permaculture Teachers (TPT) course in Sweden, funded by Erasmus+.Last month for ten days, Green School Village (GSV) sent two members of the Permaculture Association of Bulgaria to a Training Permaculture Teachers (TPT) course in Kosters Trädgårdar. This...
Volunteering for Sustainability, Slovakia Nov. 2019
This month Green School Village sent a group of four people involved in youth work and sustainability projects from Bulgaria to this fantastic and inspiring training in Slovakia. Thanks to everyone involved in this wonderful experience! The training “Volunteering for...
Nunc Volutpat Venenatis
Nulla a odio sed magna congue condimentum. Pellentesque convallis enim nec libero vulputate, et rhoncus urna placerat. Phasellus mattis, diam vel vehicula facilisis, erat leo dapibus augue, at mollis tellus ex non nisi. Ut faucibus fringilla semper. Aenean nunc...